Serving & Getting Involved.


Sunday School

Sunday School for all ages is at 9:15 am prior to our 10:30 worship service. There is no Sunday School during the summer school break.

Sunday Worship Service

Service begins at 10:30. We offer a family service. If you need to step out, feel free to use one of our family care rooms that has a TV broadcasting the service.

Second Saturday Kids Club

Kids from kindergarten to 8th grade will enjoy crafts, music, games, video, pizza, snacks & fun. Join jus on the Second Saturday of each month from 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Please complete a parent permission slip for each child.


Wednesday Bible Study

Adult Bible Study is offered each Wednesday at 1:00 pm during the School Year. The Bible Study takes a deep dive into the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s sermon.

Bell Choir

Wednesday nights at 6:30 to 7:30 is when the Bell Choir gets together to rehearse.


Wednesday nights from 7:30 to 9:00 is rehearsal time for the chancel choir. All are welcome to participate.


Mary Rebekah Circle

This ladies’ group meets at various locations on the second Monday of the month at noon. They enjoy lunch, a program, UMW business, and plan mission projects.

The Fishermen

These gentlemen meet at 10:00 am at Holly’s Home Cooking on the last Thursday of the month for a light-hearted breakfast gathering.

Various Committees

Each committee meets once a month to plan, implement and oversee workings of the church. Committees are: Outreach, Nurture, Finance, Worship, Personnel and Trustees.


Lunch Bunch

All ladies are welcome to enjoy lunch together at a local eatery at noon on the 4th Monday of the month. The restaurant location is announced the week prior. Many men also gather at the same time in a separate part of the restaurant.

Our Famous Caramels

Since 1955 the folks of Memorial have been making delicious chewy caramels each fall. This is our biggest fundraiser, requiring lots of help. We start taking orders in September and start cooking in October.